
Leadership is Holographic

Posted on: January 14th, 2021 by Jen Todd No Comments


Happy New Year! It has already been an eventful start to the year when it comes to leadership if you live in America. Feels like a perfect time to share about one of the key principles of leadership I teach about how cultures are created. It is a simple truth that has a big impact.

Leadership is Holographic.

Whether you are leading an organization, an initiative, a mission, a team of people or a household of children, what you say and do (and don’t say and do), gets reflected everywhere.

Your beliefs and behaviors will be repeated all over the place in different ways.

You have the power to create a culture with your every word and movement. If you are in a position where you are influencing others, they will follow your lead as to what is acceptable (or not) and what is praised and noticed, so it’s critical that you are mindful of the holographic effect. The same applies to children who watch your every move if you are a parent leading a household - especially now that so many are homeschooling while working.

The most successful leaders are very self-aware of their intentions matching their purpose, values and desired impact.

They are clear about the messages they are sending and the culture they are creating. They have multiple feedback mechanisms to inform them of their impact and whether it aligns with their intentions. They also know this one important little fact:  94% of communication is not what you say, but how it is said. Our non-verbals, energy and presence are even more powerful than our words.

Are you purposeful in your mindset, words and actions and the culture you are creating around you?

Leadership is Personal

Posted on: January 11th, 2021 by Jen Todd No Comments


It’s been quite a long time since you received a newsletter blog from me. I stopped doing my leadership blogs several years ago when I adopted my daughter. Lots of things slowed down or stopped so I could take on the most rewarding and challenging role of my life – PARENTING! And full-time single parenting at that.

If you have children during this pandemic, I am sure you can relate. It’s nutso!

While learning about how to parent and take care of my own parents who both passed away in the last 5 years, I stayed connected to my purpose of empowering leaders doing executive coaching and consulting. I worked with amazing leaders in large corporations, non-profits and small businesses and my sweet spot that I love the most - helping aspiring entrepreneurs birth their purpose-driven missions into the world!

I wanted to announce that I have coaching program openings for 2021, and share a nugget of truth about successful leaders I have seen over and over in the last 16 years of running my coaching business.
One of the bedrocks of a new paradigm of leadership in the world we live in now is this:

Leadership is Personal.

Lots of leaders I’ve coached in the past wanted to separate their personal life from their work life. Like they can put a divider line between these two things.

The reality is that WHO YOU ARE personally as a human being has everything to do with WHO YOU ARE as a leader.

You cannot be a totally different person at work then you are at home. Your core beliefs, values and issues go with you into your workplace, even if you try to separate them.

You cannot divorce the human being from the leader.

Now more than ever with Covid-19, our personal lives are being blended with our work lives. We are living and working in the same place, the boundaries have collapsed.

The most successful leaders who do the personal thing well are:

  • authentic in who they are and know their personal purpose
  • bring their whole self to work & take care of their mind, body & spirit
  • do their personal work on their weaknesses and triggers
  • connect personally with others in a genuine way
  • exhibit their personal values outwardly and intentionally

Do you want to grow in your personal leadership?

Calling All Change Makers – Retreat November 18-19

Posted on: November 14th, 2016 by Jen Todd


If you are a Change Maker, we need your light and positive impact right now in our country, companies and communities everywhere! If you know you have deeper purpose, calling or mission, join me for an in-person retreat to Reflect, Rejuvenate & Refocus on 11/18-19 in ONE WEEK in Southwest Michigan. Click here to view my video and schedule a fit call right away at, there are only a few spots left!

If this resonates with you, schedule a call with me now and let's explore if this is a fit for you. Learn more about the retreat at

If the timing of the retreat doesn't work for you and you want to explore other BE the Change Maker programs launching next year, I want to talk to you! Email me directly or respond here and let's connect.

Let us all BE the Change we wish to see in the world!

Jen Todd
CEO, Breakthrough Partners Inc.
Leadership Coach and Consultant

“Unleashing the Power and Purpose of Leaders around the World”