
Do You Create BRAVE Spaces?

Posted on: September 30th, 2023 by Coordinator No Comments


For the last 20+ years coaching business leaders, I helped them create “safe” spaces for people to learn, grow, collaborate, create transformational change and achieve goals as high performing teams. But the world has changed with our diverse work environments. And we have evolved.

I am no longer focused on safe spaces. We need to be creating BRAVE spaces.

What feels so called “safe” is all in the heart, mind, life, and experiences of the beholder.  What promotes safety to share, learn and work together for one person or group, may feel very much the opposite for others.

We need to evolve from having nice polite, comfortable conversations that often mask conflict avoidance and not dealing with the heart of issues, to being able to have open dialogue and honest productive conversations around what’s important with clarity, compassion, and courage.

BRAVE spaces exist

where people feel that they can contribute,

everyone is heard and acknowledged equally,

and differences about challenging topics can be constructively discussed.

If you are a leader, facilitator, consultant, parent, teacher, or anyone who is responsible for creating the atmosphere, culture, or spaces for others to flourish, grow, be their best true selves and collaborate well with others, now is the time to shift into the BRAVE gear.

As leaders, we must create the conditions for people to be BRAVE and open up, bring their whole selves, speak their truth, AND be able to listen, learn, and support others in doing the same.

Creating this begins with YOU…. But what does that look like?

Though there are many things to tend to, here are 3 important factors to attend to and inquiries to lead bravely:

  1. Are you able to speak your truth about your feelings and reactions with vulnerability and compassion about how others may receive it?  You have to forge the way and role model the behaviors of speaking vulnerably and authentically with thought and compassion about your impact.
  2. Are you aware of power dynamics and different views based on group affiliations and diverse backgrounds? Are you able to acknowledge and learn from others that may seem different from you? The role of the leader is to allow unique differences to be expressed without judgement or retribution, to encourage learning, and not to influence others to think or be the same as us, or the dominant majority.
  3. Can you set and hold norms of behavior & accountability in the group that foster inclusion of all voices and views? Structure and strong leadership are needed to manage emotions and conflict to ensure groups and people are equally heard and validated.

To hear more about why this is important, here is a short video of an excerpt from a podcast I was just on with my colleague friend Wil Johnson.

Creating Brave Spaces

If you are intrigued, have questions or want to learn more about how to lead and create BRAVE spaces, I’d love to talk to you! Contact me here.

This is important work in the world. Thanks for showing up and being in this community.

If you’d like to receive this newsletter in your LinkedIn account, click here to subscribe.


My best always,



Transform Self Judgement – 3 Steps (video)

Posted on: September 6th, 2023 by Coordinator No Comments


The condemning voice of Self Judgment… We all have it. It’s actually part of our fight or flight brain response when we feel stressed, threatened, upset or scared. It lives in us supposedly to protect us, but it actually makes us feel terrible, tears us down, burns us out, kills our purpose and makes us less successful. Why is that?

I explain why in today’s video and share 3 steps to shift from the obsessive cycle of self-judgment to confidently be your best self and activate your inner wisdom.


If you or your team want to transform self-judgment into wisdom, confidence and purpose, email me to learn about coaching programs kicking off this month.

Thanks for being part of my community. Join me in in banishing judgement and being our best selves!

My best always,



Been Brutally Judged by others?

Posted on: August 24th, 2023 by Coordinator No Comments



I was in a meeting last week and the group got really worked up about something. Like fiery passion blazed through the roof worked up. In about 2 minutes flat it was a heated debate.

I was judged, attacked, berated and publicly shamed for sharing a different view than the group majority.

Why do these things happen? It’s not just that we have a strong fire-in-the-belly passion…This happens in large part because we all have a part of us that JUDGES others and when that part of us feels threatened in some way, it can go wild.

In a group setting it can be magnified and multiplied when all our judgers have similar views and agree with and support each other. Then we find ourselves in the midst of a big ole JUDGEFEST.

And holy moly it can be BRUTAL being on the receiving end. I am still reeling and licking my wounds.

So let’s break this down, how do we speak our truth with passion, but do it in a way that it can be received in a humane way?


TRUTH with Compassion = WISDOM

TRUTH without Compassion = BRUTALITY


Let’s talk about TRUTH…

We can all be passionate about our “truth” - whatever that is. But truth is all relative and lies in the heart, context, and reference point of the beholder. Our ego fights hard to be heard and defend our truth as always right and the best view. If left unchecked, it will do anything – including attacking and beating on others - to prove this.

Let’s talk about COMPASSION…

Having compassion as we share our truth means we:

  • Remember people’s humanity and our own humility
  • Care and think about how our truth might land or impact others
  • Consider and respect the context, background and views of others that may be different than ours

Imagine how our workplaces and worlds would be different if we could all learn how to speak truth with compassion? Awwh, now those are some meetings I want to be at…

Want to learn more about how to tame and transform that part of you that judges and ignite your wisdom and compassion?

Message me to learn about the group and private coaching programs kicking off in September that:

  • Heightened self-awareness of what triggers the judge and its impact on work, relationships and life
  • Practices for mindfully shifting from negative patterns to positivity, neutrality and productive peace
  • Brain and behavioral changes that bring on positive intelligence, well-being and better results

Thanks for being part of my community. See you next time with more Nuggets of Truth!

My best always,


5 Ways to Navigate Grief

Posted on: July 21st, 2023 by Coordinator No Comments


When my parents died within two years of each other, my world was rocked. Soon thereafter the world was rocked by covid and my world of full-time single parenting, instant home school teacher, and trying to keep my business afloat felt like I was drowning in a sea of grief.

So many losses and massive changes. My mental and emotional health was at a breaking point.

I made a conscious choice back then that I was not going to let the tsunami of grief take me down. Instead, I decided to lean into it and learn everything I could about grief and loss so that I could find a way through the pain and wilderness – and help others do the same.

I got trained and certified as a Grief Educator coach and have been embedding my learnings into my business and personal coaching.

People often think of loss and grief when a huge loss happens, or someone dies. But grieving happens every day in homes and workplaces everywhere.

Every time a marriage or relationship ends, a child goes into their next stage of maturity, you relocate, you change or lose a job, you get a new boss or team or a beloved project or mission comes to an end.

All of these things, and more – will provoke grief – which is the natural, normal, healthy process we humans go through when we have to let go.

There is no silver bullet to take away the pain of grief. It is an undesirable rite of passage that we must go through. But there are ways to support yourself and others as you navigate the difficult and intense emotions that come with the process.

Here are my 5 principles to navigate grief and a short Nugget of Truth to reflect on to support you.

Please send this along to anyone you know who may be grieving All support is a gift when you are in thick of the dark moments (even if they don’t ever tell you so….)

For more tips on grief, click here to join my facebook page that I started after my Mom died. I wrote a children’s book about her called “For the Love of Jude” and this facebook page has evolved into a grief support page. Part of how I channeled my pain into purpose!

This entry is from my Daily Nuggets of Truth book, page 72. You can get your copy at:

If you are in transition or want to transform your pain into purpose, reach out to learn about my transformational coaching programs for you or your teams.

Sending my best and love to all those grieving.

Release Self Judgment!

Posted on: July 13th, 2023 by Coordinator No Comments


Are you ready to release self judgement, criticism and negative thinking?

The mind is a vast place of positive potential and possibilities OR dreadful limiting beliefs, inner critics and judgements. The brain’s neural pathways have been wired since the beginning of time for survival which has us constantly berating ourselves scanning for threats and living in fear, flight, flight or freeze mode.

If left unchecked, the stories our minds will naturally play about ourselves over and over again will be the negative ones. When we believe these lies it limits our perceptions, potential and possibilities. 

What limiting stories plague you and impact your life and work?

Let’s stop the MADNESS of these negative thought patterns that are killing us. We must re-train our brains!

Take a few minutes to shift your story that is limiting you and read this little Nugget of Truth…

Do you want to learn how to shift to a SUSTAINABLE positive mindset? Email me and ask about the Positive Intelligence Coaching Program that will literally TRANSFORM your limiting thought patterns to the Voice of Truth and Confidence that is your best self. Group and individual programs starting soon!

This entry is from my Daily Nuggets of Truth book, page 68. You can get your copy at:

Do you feel FREEDOM at work? (video)

Posted on: July 3rd, 2023 by Coordinator No Comments


It’s July 4th week and it’s all about freedom. You may feel free laying on a raft on the lake this week, but do you ever feel freedom at your job? Do you feel free to be you, bring your whole self, your voice and ideas and purpose and passion to your job or workplace?

Your freedom is a CHOICE.

I invite you to take a few minutes to ponder this in my short video and a Nugget a Truth….

What is your path to FREEDOM on the job?

This is from my Daily Nuggets of Truth book. This entry is from page 14. You can get your copy through Amazon or

If you are in transition or ready to forge a new path professionally with purpose, power and a positive mindset, reach out to learn about my transformational coaching programs for you or your teams.

Tune Out Distractions

Posted on: June 29th, 2023 by Coordinator No Comments


What’s on your mind this summer?

What’s on my mind, beyond lots of fun in the sun, is coming to you more often with bite size wisdom and a centering mantra.

Take a deep breath and a minute right now and let this wash over you…





What is your truth today that you need to focus on?

This is from my Daily Nuggets of Truth book. This entry is from page 66. You can get your copy through Amazon or If you are in transition or ready to forge a new path professionally with purpose, power and a positive mindset, reach out to learn about my transformational coaching programs for you or your teams.

When things get hard.

Posted on: June 28th, 2021 by Jen Todd No Comments


I have been in a few seasons of “hard” since covid hit last Spring. The word hard is an understatement actually. My guess is that we have all had some version of hardship this past year.  What do you do when things get hard?

Here are 3 basic things that help when life or work gets hard.  These are basic and you may already know them, but are you really doing them? I find for myself, even as a coach that I can go off the rails if I am not practicing the basics well.

1. Have a practice for getting centered and grounded. When we have anxiety and stress, our emotions and nervous system go on overload.  It impacts our energy in a major way and our mind, body and spirit.  We need to get back into alignment. My new book is a quick but deep way to get centered in 2-3 minutes. It has 30 days of daily wisdom and mantras. You can grab a copy of it here:  In addition to reading something inspirational, having an emotional and physical practice for grounding is necessary for lifting yourself out of difficulties. My client Maggie who felt overwhelmed and exhausted created a whole new morning centering practice. In the morning, she now meditates, reads, journals and exercises and that has revolutionized her life and career. She now has the vision and confidence to start her own consulting business!

What practice do you need to stay more centered? 

2. Check your mindset and stories. What we tell ourselves, the beliefs and stories that are running in our heads, define our experience and behaviors.  People try to change their crappy situations by changing their behavior – or someone else’s and they fail to have change.  Why? Because they didn’t get to the root of what is causing them pain. Are you telling yourself lies and negative stories that you have to do everything, you aren’t good enough, there is no hope for change, or _____fill in the blank? Shifting these mindsets from the pain to your purpose or positive intention will change your energy and perspective. My client Sam got fired from a previous job and was not being promoted at work. We uncovered a repetitive limiting story that he was not worthy.  He was sabotaging himself without even knowing it. Once we discovered this we did the deep work of shifting that story. He stepped into his greatness and flourished as a leader of a high profile complex corporate program.

What limiting stories are causing you pain or holding you back?

3. Get support! I can’t stress enough the importance of getting help from others when you are struggling. The days of doing it alone are over.  Covid has taught us the pain of being isolated. We need communities of support. Being honest with yourself is where it starts.  We can’t change what we don’t acknowledge. This is an act of wisdom and strength, not weakness. As a full-time single Mom and business owner, it has taken me many years to learn that I need lots of support personally and professionally to keep me sane and successful. When I published my book in April, instead of being joyful and elated about this release, I felt overwhelmed, overly vulnerable and unclear about what to do next. I reached out to my writing coach, a leadership group, as well as a handful of colleagues and friends to help me get clear on my path.

What support do you need right now?

 Check yourself right now that you are doing these basic actions to keep you aligned when challenges arise. If you are not, chose to take action now to shift from struggle to success.

My Book is Coming Out!

Posted on: February 24th, 2021 by Jen Todd No Comments


I’m here with the exciting news that I wrote a book and it’s coming out soon! This book has been a labor of love during this tumultuous Co-vid season. Writing a book is quite the process, there are many hurdles to overcome to get a book out in the world – most of which lie in our own thinking and self-doubts. I’ve had to do lots of coaching of myself to transform those inner critics and get this beautiful book out. So I am celebrating this major life goal and milestone with you!

The book is called Daily Nuggets of Truth: Wisdom for Centering your Soul in Unsettling Times.

This book is a daily guide of short inspirational wisdom, prayers, and mantras to connect you to your soul and essence of your being. There are 30 days’ worth of readings that only take 2- 3 minutes each to read, that bring peace, centeredness, and personal growth.

In my 20 years of coaching leaders, one of the key things that makes them successful is having a daily practice. This helps them stay grounded in mind, body and spirit and connected to the truth of who they are to combat the overwhelm, stress and chaos that pervades in our world.

Here’s a little excerpt from the book in the chapter called Allow in Grace:

“High achievers have a hard time with the idea of giving themselves grace. Grace does not mean lowering your standards, letting yourself off the hook, not caring or being lazy. You can stand in integrity of your values – AND allow yourself grace to be human and be you.”

Grace is not something you have to earn, its permission you give yourself to be you.

What do you need to give yourself some grace on? Do you have a daily practice to stay centered?

Leadership is an Inside Job

Posted on: February 5th, 2021 by Jen Todd No Comments


We do not need loads of leadership or managerial training classes to teach people to be leaders.

What we need is to help people find the leadership that lives within them.

Leadership is an inside job.

I’m talking about discovering the deeper purpose, passions and presence that is already inside all of us. Once we know our strengths and potential that dwells within, we can bring more of our whole self and make a deeper impact.

It also means understanding what doesn’t work so well for us, shuts us down or triggers us to act in ways that are not our best selves.

One of the things that most holds everyone back from being their best and brightest selves is what’s going on inside their heads.

The stories that they tell themselves, the boxes that others have put them in and the issues of the past.

I had a client, Christine, who just could not believe that she was a leader of people. Although she was already leading people informally and had huge potential, she was stuck in her own limited thinking. We had to bust through the mindset that other experienced people always knew better than she did. Once Christine created an empowering paradigm that she could trust herself and her own judgement, she stepped into truly owning her leadership skills and role as a leader. She began implementing new ideas and enrolling others and was on fire!

For you personally, what holds you back from being your best self? What would set you free?